segunda-feira, janeiro 28, 2008

Biodynamic Agriculture at Portugal, The effect of moon on plant growth

Aqui está como rabanetes semeados ao longo de meio mês, em diferentes fases lunares e signos lunares, crescem de diferentes maneiras. Os resultados são espantosos. Ver post anterior para saber como a experiência foi desenhada. Nada disto é novo; já Maria Thun estudou estas coisas há mais de 20 anos.

Here are how radish responded in incredible ways to moon phases and signs. Apparently, the results are very clear and awesome. Please check the previous post for seeing how the experiment was designed. Nothing of this is new, Maria Thun has already studied this 20 years ago.

Radish seem to grow well during in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Taurus. They grow worst around new moon and when seeded in Aries. Higher leaf growth was obtained in Aquarius and Pisces (air and water).

Incredibly, plants grow taller and taller from new moon to full moon (0.5cm to 3cm), despite the fact that those radish seeded on new moon were planted first!
Full moon (or ascendent moon) tends to pull plants towards higher vegetative growth.

Radish seeded on days with moon passing in earth signs yielded best. Radish seeded on watery sign days also yielded good compared to others.

Spinach, on another way, grew better during Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces (mostly watery signs) and badly in Aries. The plants also grew much taller around full moon compared to new moon.

In left side those were the first radish, seeded around new moon. In right, those seeded around full moon. Despite the fact that the second ones were seeded about two weeks later, they grew much faster and developing taller plants. If this is good or not for high-quality edible roots, this will be a future question of research.

Here we can see carrots seeded on earth day compared to others and cultured with same soil but containing horsetail and sand (which contains silica that aids the plants to develop it long roots): the different is clearly visible!

Funcho da florença e Ervilhas - Janeiro 2008

Right now, we have huge leeks and the tasty florence fennels growing in much of the containers. Both thrive well in sunny weather and are hardy plants.

Here it is a container with plenty of peas and lots of parsley growing with calendulas just aside the peas. There is nothing compared to homemade fresh peas, absolutely with no comparision!

quarta-feira, janeiro 02, 2008

Biodinamica, o efeito espantoso dos ciclos da lua nas plantas e no tempo

Biodynamics, the amazing effect of the moon cycles on plants and the weather -English translation following the portuguese text-

***** O efeito da Lua nas plantas e no tempo

Estes são os primeiros resultados de uma experiência séria que tenho estado a efectuar nos meus tempos livres de horticultura, com implicações sérias.
Mas experimentei porque tinha um tabuleiro de alvéolos, semear rabanetes (um vegetal raíz) e espinafres, todos os dias de 6 Dez 2007 a 27 Dez 2007.
Anotei a hora, a posição astronómica e fase da lua e o tempo que fazia.
As fotografias seguem-se no final.

Bem, não percebo porque a ciência ainda não reparou nas conclusões a que eu de um modo muito simples cheguei. Talvez seja por interesses ou simples teimosia em querer investigar áreas mais "místicas", talvez pelo seu absurdo foco materialista.

Mas falando já das conclusões, é facilmente evidente que ao semear nestes dias todos, pude verificar (tal como já ia verificando ao longo de 2007) que as sementes têm uma tendência *notória* para germinar e depois crescer mito mais rápido quando semeadas perto da lua cheia, e muito mais lentamente, quando semeados na lua nova (e inclusivé germinando mal, quando semeadas dois ou três dias antes da lua nova)
Talvez, agora retirando os ensinamentos de Maria Thun e de Rudolf Steiner, assim como da sabedoria popular, verificámos que estas observações já foram corroboradas por muitas outras pessoas.

Além disso, há uma *clara* correlação entre o tempo que faz, e a fase e signo da lua (observei isto ao longo de todo o ano de 2007, maioritariamente). Ora, com a lua em signos aquosos, o tempo ao longo das observações que fiz e faço, costima ser mais húmido e fresco; com a lua em signos de elemento fogo (sagitário, carneiro, leão) o tempo mostra uma clara evidência para aquecer, ou seco. Nas experiências que tenho repetidamente feito, os espinafres crescem mais rápido quando semeados com a lua passando em signo água ou terra, e os rabanetes em terra ou fogo.

Que efeitos terão estes ciclos e outros na essência e comportamento humano? Afinal muita gente denota ignorância ou preconceito ao rejeitar linearmente tais observações como misticismo, mito ou pseudociência. Como Einstein dizia "é mais fácil destruir um átomo que um preconceito"

Afinal já Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Filósofos gregos e muitos outros famosos, estudavam a Astrologia e seus efeitos dos ciclos cósmicos e celestiais nas pessoas. Tudo remonta á raíz da religião, à natureza da alma, karma e destino, espiritualidade e transcendência de algo superior que a humanidade de hoje infelizmente optou por ignorar (precisamente numa época em que a moralidade está em baixo e faz tanta falta para salvar o planeta e suas gentes)

E para que nos preocuparmos em arranjarmos soluções para os dilemas da nossa nação, do nosso emprego, das nossas necessidades de dinheiro, do aquecimento global? Quando acima de tudo, temos todas as melhores respostas dentro de nós, todo o poder dentro de nós, como expliquei aqui em apenas uma parte pequena disso. Pois tudo o que é preciso é conectarmo-nos um pouco mais com a harmonia e os ciclos e os chamamentos do universo acima e em redor e também dentro de nós.

Tenho a 'data' destas experiências, detalhada, a quem quiser.

The Moon effect on plants and the weather

This is the first results of a serious experiment I have conducted, independently in my free times of gardening, with serious implications. In December I have tested seeding spinach and radish over a period of nearly a month, taking note of its growth, the moon phase and astronomical position, and weather during each day. Photos follow in the end.

But getting to the conclusions, it was *clearly* evident (as I could also observe all during my seeding in 2007, that seedlings grow well faster when seeded around full moon days than in new moon days (seeds do indeed grow badly when planted just before new moon)

I do not undertand why science has not yet notice these easy conclusions, as I have reached, as many did. Maybe its because its materialistic and skeptical obsessions, people have no guilt in this, after all they were educated to think that way and not into another. It is often considered as mystic to do otherwise.

Going further to tradicional folklore and wisdom, and to the independent and solitary research by Maria Thun and Rudolf Steiner, back to early 20st century, we can see that these conclusions were already known and understood at those times. People knew it.

Besides that, going to the conclusions I have achived and studied, there is a *clear* correlation betwen the weather that happens in a specific day, and the moon phase and astronomical sign position. So, I have clearly observed (for an entire year) that during moon positionated in water constelations, the weather tends to get wetter and fresh, when in fire constelations, the weather tends to get hotter and drier (sagitarius, aries or leo astrological signs). Radish grow easier when seeded with moon going in earth-element constelations and spinach in water-element constelations.

Which effects, may have these cosmic cycles in human behaviour and trends? After all, many people demonstrated inner ignorance by blowing away these crystal-clear wisdom, hanging by a low-logical prejudice.
As Einstein have put it " it is easier for us, to destroy an atom, than to destroy a prejudice"

Going back centuries and even millenia ago, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, greek philosophers and many other famous people, have studied Astrology and the effects of cosmic cycles in the lifes of people and societies. All goes backwards to religion, spirituality, to the nature of reality and of human soul, to the transcendent nature of subtle and hidden and cosmic energies that work in our world, together with us. Unfortunely to our history, man kind has opt to ignore this, mainstream thinking, precisely at a time where morality and spirituality and so kindly requested to save ourselves and our beautiful planet

Why worry about our nation situation, our job loss, money needs and global warming? We have after all answers and power inside ourselves, a portion of it was just plainly explained before, and all we need is to connect a little bit more with the harmony, the cycles and the prayers of the above-all universe.

I have the detailed data from these experiments to whoever needs it.