domingo, maio 31, 2009

Current photos

Lovely flowers...

Lemon grass, lemon verbena, lemon bergamot, and a baby lemon tree!

Zucchini, growing in a container full of compost: how happy it is!!

From garden to dinner room!

Row of summer flowers... Yeah!

Tiger nuts sprouting: one of our major permaculture achivements!

Swiss chard: anyone can grow this, even in a shadow garden!

Beautifullll blue and rose flowers! We want butterflies and bees, remember?

Our baby fast-growing pumpkin plant: she grows 5 cm every day!!

Our Yacon: it is a tropical plant but can be grown in Europe, and it gives a huge ammount of edible tubers, and better, than potatoes, no pests, huge yields, and is perenial!

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