sexta-feira, março 30, 2007

Biodynamic agriculture

Down, in order, you may see radish that were cultivated accordingly to the principles of byodinamic agriculture, namely the moon cycle.
I was ceptic in the beggining that it was just pure invention but it turns out to be true (at least on this experiment). Radish were seeded on the second week of January, on four different days in which the moon was passing over a different constelation on the sky. According to the theory, plants seeded or treated at moon passing over water-element constelation will develop more leaves, over earth more bulbs and roots, over fire more fruit and over air more flower. We can thus select higher quality vegetables in harmony with the forces of the cosmos (this is what the theory states).
These radish were seeded in earth, water, fire and air on that week of January and then each container was treated with the same conditions. Earth radish were the last to be seeded at the end of that week in order to check if they would grew bigger bulbs than the others.
As of March you may see for yourself. Earth radish haver the bigger bulbs, followed by the water ones, and fire and air ones have small or no bulbs yet and air ones developed bigger leaves. This was based on Maria Thun calendar which is a sideral-based calendar.

Earth radish

Water radish

Fire radish

Air radish

It is also curious that seeds seeded on earth days take a long time to sprout (since maybe they will focus their growth on root). We also have similar brocculi that were transplanted on air day and then one in water day, two days later (look as this last has bigger leaves already!)
We've also byodinamic carrots, cabbage, turnips, onions, lettuce, endive, peas, chick peas and others.

Air and water transplanted brocculi respectively

We also report of a garlic that was seeded on a node day (this is the days when the moon orbit crosses the eliptic plane). Maria Thun calendar stronly advises not to plant on those days. The garlic I planted began to die after one month of growth, then I applied also a biodynamic preparation made of nettle tea leaves and the plant surprinsingly regrew again!


Look at a different type of radish, long ones. We seeded both on earth days, yet one has almost on earth-air border (and in tropical sideral, as opposed to sideral system, this day was already an air day). Both are big ones but the air radish is slighty thiner! The same occurs to all replicates in the same container.

It strikes me the fact that since I studied astronomy since my childhood, I was a more ceptic person, but now I can clearly see (not only feel) that indeed the cosmos has magic and that magic affects us all in different subtle ways.

Horta, 30 de Março

Oh... it's such a lovely day...

Purple muscaris

Juga repetans

Beautiful tulips

Spring anemonas

Potatoes in containers!

Mulched Brussel's sprouts

The overall view

terça-feira, março 27, 2007

27 March

Have done mulching on more containers. Transplanted more turnips, cabbages, leeks, brussels sprouts and thymes. Plants have been growing pretty well. Tulips are blossoming. Tomatoes and peppers I brough these inside home. Potatoes are growing very fast (maybe its the effect of the millefolium - see companion planting) and in the carrots container, plants grow more in the center where there is a garlic (see companion planting). Another advise: dont overwater lettuce plants as I did (one has rot). Peas and chick peas are flowering and peas have already some fruit!! We've cut the natural soap, label these and plan doing plenty more with other scents. We also plan doing it with ashes instead of sodium lye which is very corrosive prior to mixing.
Companion planting is the trick of growing two crops together whereas one helps the other, in growing or/and in avoiding pest and disease. Examples include radish and lettuce, beans and radish, garlic and carrots, cabbage and hissop or oregano, marigolds and other aromatic herbs in most crops...). However, others such as crops from onion family and beans family don't go well in combination! Please check the web for more information.

segunda-feira, março 26, 2007

One very useful website/database on the culture conditions for different crops and plants

quarta-feira, março 21, 2007

21 de Março - Primavera!

Feliz Primavera a todos!
Embora a temperatura tenha descido vertiginosamente as plantas continuam com um crescimento acelerado. As ervilhas estão em flor. Os grão quase. Os nabos e as cenouras começaram a crescer mais. Tenho também uma bela floreira de alfaces das quais já provei, outra de rúculas e endívias, um vaso de tomates e couves-de-bruxelas pequenas. Os agriões estranhamente começaram a florir (algumas plantas ao serem transplantadas aceleram em direcção á sua floração). Fiz também sabão natural, com aromas de sândalo, alfazema e madressilva (hmmmm..). Fiz a cobertura do solo em dois vasos (com folhas secas até 3cm de espessura) e coloquei pratos em vários e efectivamente reduz as perdas de água.

Nas experiências de agricultura biodinâmica, rabanetes que foram semeados na mesma semana com a lua nos signos de diferentes elementos, já há diferenças notórias. Os rabanetes terra e depois água são os maiores bolbos (e os terra até foram os últimos a ser semeados, cinco dias depois dos de ar). Os rabanetes ar são os que possuem folhas e maiores e com formato bem mais recortado que os restantes. Os rabanetes fogo aparentam estar maior quantidade de folhas amareladas que os restantes. Todos foram semeados em condições idênticas (mesmo vaso, solo, luz e rega). Fotos em breve.

Happy Spring to all!
Despite the weather has cooled significantly plants continue to grow well and fast. Peas and chick peas are flowering. Turnips and carrots grow now faster. There is a flat container with pretty lettuce which I have tasted already! A tomato pot and some bruxels sprouts. Strangely, the cress is also flowering (sometimes transplants cause the plant to do so). I also have made some natural soap with sandalwood, lavander and honeysuckle scents. I have mulched the soil in some containers (with dried tree leaves up to 3cm) and put dishes on their bottom; indeed it's keeping them more humid.

In the first biodynamic agriculture experiments, radish were seeded during the same week on different moon days, when moon was passing on signs of different elements. There are already clear differences. Radish earth and then earth have the bigger bulbs (even when earth ones were the last to be seeded during that week). Radish air have the biggest leaves and with more strange shapes than the others. Radish fire have more yellowish leaves than the others. All were cultivated with similar conditions (same soil, pots, light and water). Photos in soon.

Como era dia da Árvore, um ácer foi plantado
A maple tree was planted on Tree day

terça-feira, março 20, 2007


Anémonas, crocus e muscaris

Ervilhas em flor!

Ervilhas em flor
Peas in flower

Horta / Container gardening

São já 86 variedades: 40 medicinais e aromáticas, 30 comestíveis e as restantes ornamentais
It's already 86 varieties: 40 medicinal and aromatic herbs, 30 edibles and the rest are ornamental

quarta-feira, março 14, 2007

14 de Março

Ervilhas e grão já tem os primeiros pequenos botões de flor!
É Março e está quente, o tempo tem estado seco (humidade à tarde de 40%) e temperaturas de 23º o que faz secar rapidamente os vasos.
Uma floreira bela é a das anémonas, crocus e muscaris (todos violeta e e em tons de indigo) e irei ter também túlipas rosa, além dos narcisos amarelo. Começaram a crescer também a fritilária e o jarro de bolbos. Os botões da glícinia também já começam a abrir.
Das germinações tenho cuminhos, coentros, tomates, pimentos, espinafres, acelgas, beterrabas, rúculas e basílico.

Chick peas and peas have already their first tiny flower buttons! It's March and it's warm dry weather. A beautiful pot with spring bulb flowers of purple and bluish colours is gaining attention. A small climbing wisteria is waking up too. From seeds, grow little sprouts of cumins, tomatoes, peppes, spinach, beetroots, rocket and others.

segunda-feira, março 12, 2007


Daffodils/ Narcisos

Spring flowers/ Anémonas e crocus


Salsa and beets/ Salsa e beterradas

Cress for salads/ Agrião para saladas
Brussel's sprouts and oregano on sides/Couves-de-bruxelas e oregãos ao lado

Spinach sprouting/ Espinafres germinando

Mints, rue, chick peas, lentils/radishes and turnips in half-shade /mentas, arruda, grão, lentilhas e rabanetes e nabos em meia-sombra

Endive and lettuce/Endívias e alfaces
Aromatic herbs on background/ Aromáticas no background

Peas!/ Ervilhas!


O principal problema agora é o tempo quente que é previsível para os próximos meses. A solução será a cobertura do solo com folhas mortas, palha ou musgo.

Main problem now has to do with predictable hot weather and drying for next months. Solution will be mulching and green covering.

sexta-feira, março 09, 2007

Alguns conselhos

Alguns conselhos que fui descobrindo ao longo destes três meses de cultivo são:
-escolher bem o solo para que tenha boa drenagem e não alague com as chuvas ou seque muito depois.
-mais fertilidade faz as plantas cresceram e produzirem mais (em vasos, basta usar composto, terra ou mistura de turfas comercial ou boa terra escura)
-usar uma cama de musgo sobre a superfície do solo é o ideal (mantém humidade, temperature, vida e mantém a integridade do solo perante a chuva e o vento)
-usar estacas cruzadas e desordenadas nas ervilhas (a desordem propicia mais as plantas a treparem porque é assim que elas estão habituadas na natureza); e protegê-las de ventos fortes
-seguir os calendários biodinâmicos e um pouco o clima para as sementeiras e transplantes é sensato e faz alguma diferença (basta ir aprendendo)
-fazer a sementeira directamente no caso de muitas espécies é o ideal pois muitas odeiam ser transplantadas e muitas vezes danificámos as raízes e elas depois crescem menos (semear também logo no vaso definitivo e manter o excesso de plantas até que estas cresçam e estejam ja mais resistentes)
-evitar excesso de água nos alhos (evita doenças que me surgiram)
-proteger jovens rebentos de chuva torrencial abrigando-os
-a fertilização natural com urina diluída é excelente para couves, bróculos, ervilhas, nabos e alfaces
-condições ideais (luminosidade): couves, bróculos e morangueiros em sol total, ervilhas e muitas ervas aromáticas em sol parcial, nabos, grãos, lentilhas e alfaces em meia-sombra (mas agora que acabam as chuvas pode ser que algumas destas necessidades mude)

Em breve publicarei as últimas fotos e mais conselhos
English translation in soon

Extreme weather edibles

Hot weather vegetables
Ginger, Inhame, beans, squash, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers...

Dry weather vegetables

Cold weather vegetables
Swedes, Kale*, Parsnips*, brussels sprouts, hardy cabbages*, winter radish, chard and also lettuces, spinach, endive and chicory, celery, scorzonera and salsify, beetroots, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks...

(still to complete...)

quarta-feira, março 07, 2007

Culturas - Março

Rabanetes já a formar o bolbo comestível; ervilhas trepando rapidamente com uns 25cm; também bem desenvolvidas estão os grão-de-bico; lentilhas e os nabos mais pequenos mas crescendo bem; alfaces bem vistosas, à espera de as transplantar devido ao seu volumoso crescimento (uns 20cm); cenouras ainda bem pequenas: alhos com alguma necrose talvez devido à excessiva chuva; das ervas aromáticas tudo bem e verdinho, as hortelãs e juga crescem rápido; as camomilas também e bastante; uma floreira nova de morangueiros ficou inundada assim como a de endívias devido à intensa precipitação. Nas flores, narcisos de um belo amarelo e de aroma apimentado, jacintos já perfumam toda a cozinha em fortes cores de roxo e amarelo, anémonas, túlipas e muscaris com os primeiros botões florais (pelos vistos prontos a despontar com a chegada da Primavera dia 21!). Noutros vasos, os bróculos crescem saudavelmente com uns 20cm, rodeados por hissopos e oregãos (consociações que impedem o aparecimento de pestes e doenças), tenho uma pequena arruda e vários pequenos tomilho, uma segurelha muito aromática pa chás, um vaso de agriões que já uso para salada e outro de salsa que também uso. Os benefícios da fertilização natural com urina diluída são evidentes e espectaculares.

Early March: Radishes have already its edible bulb, fast growing lettuces are very notorious (20cm), beautiful brocculi with around 20cm high surrounded by oregano and hissop which avoids appearance of pest or diseases, several well-growing aromatic herbs, cress and salsa that I already include in salads, flower buttons on several spring bulb flowers!, some with pretty colourful ones already, some 'flooded' pots due to heavy rains, and just a dying garlic due to the excessive humidity (in Portugal we have heavy raining mild winters and very dry hot summers), slow growing carrots, well growing turnips and chick peas, and fast growing peas. Also a rue, some thymes for spicing and a savory for making tea. The benefits of natural fertilization with diluted urine once a week are spectacular.